Planet Earth Singles Success Stories

Green Singles Testimonials

Success Stories


"You're Exactly What I Meant"

Dear Jill,

I came across your website address last year on youtube and decided to join (2.8.2008) I included this quote in my profile. "You don't have to name your lovers; you don't have to name the cities that you'll move to. You don't have to figure that out. You just have to find the feeling place of what you're looking for. And the Universe will lead you right there. And when you get there, you'll say, oh yeah, you're exactly what I meant."

Abraham Hicks 
5 months later, on the 2nd of January 2009 the most...

Isn't manifesting fun??!!!

I had almost instant success using your service.  I knew what I had been looking for over almost 7 years was somewhere and as it turns out we both joined the same day and I found her at the very top of my first keyword search.   WOW.. Isn't manifesting fun!!!

Robert Hitt

Happily Married for 3 Years

Hi, I have a success story. I met my husband on your site and we have been happily married for 3 years. It was a bit magical, as I was ready to chuck it in and he was too. He read my profile, thought here was a possibility, but decided not to pursue it because he had too many failed connections. So when I went online to my profile, I got a popup that said that this guy was from my town and was interested. I decided to contact him. He said he had not left any indicator that he was interested, but there it was. We talked online a bit, and I reserved judgement until we met. I have...

My Gentle Soul Has Arrived!!!

Hello, I am here to thank you for helping me find the love of my life.  We met in January and have been on an incredible journey ever since.  He is the man of my dreams, and I am eternally grateful for him.  It is amazing to have found someone that shares my spiritual beliefs, and enjoys life as I do.  Many thanks!

Manifested & Met My "WOW" Woman!

Where do I start? I am so thankful for your site, it created the avenue for me to manifest and meet my “WOW’ woman. She is beyond my wildest dreams!… What a beautiful gift of having her in my life. We are traveling the world together and enjoying each other every second that we are together. 
I have four pieces of advice to share that I learned from: 

1)  Look beyond boundaries

A. No picture posted. I...

Unconditional Love in Maui!

I divorced after 26 years of marriage, sold my home (in 3 days, an example of the flow of the Universe in action) and moved to Maui Oct. 22nd....a lot of magic and miracles happen in the course of this year from  April to  December guiding me to Maui.  All of the magic has occurred due to the Conscious Dating Network.
In April, a man from your site who lives on Maui contacted me and we started to communicate.....he told me that since I was a Reiki Master and into alternative medicine and healing that I should...

Instant Connection!

From my end, the story is very simple.  I'm enjoying a wonderful relationship with the person I met right away on the site.  I know it took him a couple of tries with other ladies until I came along. 

I got tired of the conventional dating scene and naturally turned to the Internet for an alternative.  I've never had trouble meeting guys, but when you meet people randomly, you first experience attraction, and then you realize just how little you have in common and waste a lot of emotional energy trying to make things work anyway. 


Soul Mate Found!

Hi there, support team...

Please note: I have already notified you that I wish to withdraw my presence on your website, as recently I've been fortunate to find my soul-mate through Spiritual Singles. Please kindly confirm you have received this message and that my details will no longer appear here.

My best wishes and with many thanks,


Most Wonderful Woman!

I have met the most wonderful woman here, well beyond anything I would have dared ask for!  Your site is most fine, full of such wonderful people. I wish the best of luck to all in their search, may you experience the fullness and success that I have.

Man of my dreams

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to meet the man of my dreams. Thank you for providing such quality service at an affordable price. You have enabled me to find my true partner in this life time.

Thank you.
Sincerely yours,

One in a Trillion!

Dear Jill:

Happy 2010!  I hope this year will bring you an uplifting, wonderful, healthy, prosperous, and full of sunshine  moments!!

I enjoyed very much reading your beautiful messages, seems that you are a lovely human being doing a wonderful service, uniting people in love and spirit, through your site.

I'm very fortunate, that through your site, I'd found my twin soulmate, and really was like a miracle for me!  He is such an incredible, beautiful soul; he is one in a trillion!

Wishing you the Best of the Best,...

I found my Goddess!

I have such a HUGE "Thank You!!!" to give you. In my opinion you have created the best spiritual based dating service on the net. I have met a total of 6 wonderful Goddesses and found them all be true to their profiles. They are all dear friends to this day and one amazing Goddess has become my Beloved! The beautiful Goddess I am sharing this divine relationship with is an answer to my prayers. We are dancing together in a love I only dreamed of experiencing with a partner. Our souls connect in that deepest place were God lives. I am the biggest promoter of your site as a result...

From Canada to Hawaii

Thank you for bringing us together... Although she lives in Canada right now and I live in Hawaii, we have become very connected...seems like we have always known each other. We will be meeting (in the flesh) and she will be moving to Paradise!! So, thank you so much for being there for us. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!


Found my mate!

Hi I just wanted you to know that I found my man thru your service. Thank you. Teresa (Gentleone3)

Twin Souls--Sweden & USA

I am happy to tell you I have found my twin soul. We will meet for New Year's! I live in Sweden and my mate in USA. The attraction is amazing and it is possible to meet online. 
I feel grateful.
Thank you!
Love and light

So Happy!

Hi, I meet someone via someone I met on your site!! I am so happy! Thanks so much for connecting us all! Terri

Put the energy out!

Hi!! Well, I think I have met "the one" and so its time for me to unsubscribe from your incredible site. I wish I could say I met him on-line and yet I know that putting together my profile let the Universe know that I am available. So, using your site definitely helped. With appreciation, Kimberly

Focus on Spiritual Realization

It was great coming to a conscious dating site --the only site I know of that has a focus on spiritual realization. After replying to several ads with no real match, two months ago a charming, very compatible and most attractive woman answered my ad. We have been dating exclusively. The beauty is that from the start, we already could easily relate to each others "divine" interests, because your site had provided this unique online forum for us to meet. I especially like the search capabilities, the extensive information available on members, and this service even keeps track of...

Wedding Bells

Thanks for bringing my sweetie and I together via your site. We have a wedding date set for this winter and for once in life I didn´t try to ´make´ something happen. Thanks again.

Namaste´, Bruce

I met the ONE!!

It is with a full heart and incessant smile, that I write to you today. Yes, the wondrous happens! We have been drawn together in the Light and Love of the One indescribable. Deepest appreciation for this avenue of seeking... Thank you for the avenue that has led the One to me! Brightest blessings to all seekers!